In Memoriam

December 24th, 2019 - Cliff
On the respectable age of 16 years and 4 months old, we had to let go of our dear Kafon's Dutch Dapples Cliff. Cliff has always been a sweet jester, and has always loved the little pups and our cats. We have enjoyed everything this sweet, kind dog gave us. His pictures will remain available.

December 24th, 2018 - Limo
After a beautiful long life, we had to say goodbye to our lovely Limo. Without ever having offspring, Limo has been the most important dachshund for our kennel. He was always busy with his monkey toy, and was always playing the happiest. Limo was almost 16 years old. We would love to continue sharing pictures of him.

May 24th, 2017 - K-tje
With great sorrow we have said goodbye to Mocha Latte of Sonday Morn, our sweet K-tje. K-tje was our first female. How we enjoyed this precious girl! This darling has brought so much lovelines to our home, and she has brought so many amazingly loving pups onto this world. K-tje almost reached the age of 14 years old. You can look back here at the sweet and beautiful moments we have had with her. Diane Murphy, thank you so much for letting us enjoy this sweetheart!

May 4th, 2016 - O-die
Very suddenly we had to say goodbye to Formula Uspeha Majestywinner, better known with us as O-die. This sweet, kind dog has brought such great things to our home and kennel that we want to keep sharing his website. We are enormously grateful to Alexei and Irina Hapaeva, O-die's breeders, for letting us enjoy this great boy!

May 12th, 2014 - Casper
After a short but intense period of illness (pancreatitis) we decided that Casper should not suffer any more .
Casper has been a very precious boy for us and always will be.
We would like to give you the option to share a fragment of the joy he brought by going to his site.

December 9th, 2010 - Ukkie
Unfortunately, Ukkie Ukkepuk had to be put to sleep, after a difficult period, which turned out
to be a harder decision than expected.
To keep the memory of Ukkie alive, we keep Ukkie's page open for viewing, click here.